Oh, we are lost
We are adrift
We are wayward
In pain
And searching
Hoping and praying
Forgetting to return home
Because we’ve lost the way
We veered away from the breadcrumb path
We wandered
Striving and straining
Pushing and plundering
Somewhere else
Something else
To be...
Someone else
So we forgot how to get back
To return to home base
Our true ease
Our true essence
Our true nature
So we remain adrift
Afraid to ask for help
Afraid to reach out for one another
Afraid to be seen as weak or needy or wanting
Because we must have it all figured out
Or at least we must portray that to the outside world
That we know it all
That we have it all
All figured out
We’re cool as cucumbers
It’s all good
I’m just busy, that’s all
It’s just a crazy time
But soon
One day, it’ll be normal again
Because I’ve got it all figured out
I’m in control
I’ve got the power
I can’t be shaken or rocked or cracked
I’m impenetrable
I’m steady
I’m a rock
But really
I’m just scared
I’m just treading water
I’m adrift
And alone
And afraid
So we medicate
And mediate
And fight and war
We rage and rant
We argue fuss and fight
We torment and abuse
All so we don’t have to stop
To look within ourselves
To ask for answers
It’s all out there, right?
What can heal me?
It’s a pill
A portion
A drug
A pot of money
A lucky star
I’m deserving, right?
I’ve earned all this, right?
The bigger
The better
The most expensive
The most expansive
To fill this void
To fill this fear
So that I can forget I’m lost
I can forget I’m adrift
I can remain afloat
I can remain on my yacht
And stay buoyant
Stay bobbing
Stay upright
Stay in control
Just keep paddling
Just keep swimming
Don’t stop
Don’t drown
Don’t let go
Don’t surrender
Don’t get carried away
Don’t get pulled under
Stay afloat
Stay adrift